June 2009

  • Teaching Tip Tuesday – Learning Doesn’t Stop in the Summer

    Dear Parents and Guardians, I think we need to continue learning even though it is summer vacation. Summer is an important time for families. It gives parents a chance to spend some quality time with their kids. Time is the most important gift you can give to your child. I would like you and your…

  • The Power of Nature

    We’ve had a lot of rain in the past few days. That’s the explanation for why this tree fell over. I talked to someone who saw it happen. He said, “The ground was so soft it just fell over.” Of course, this was a huge tree and as it came crashing down, it took out…

  • Peace and Respect to MJ

    “If you ever made a cruel joke about Michael Jackson, you need to apologize first before riding his d*ck now that he’s passed.” “Y’all knew Ghostface’s “All That I Got Is You” samples Michael Jackson?” “Y’all knew Nas’ “It Ain’t Hard to Tell” samples Michael Jackson?” “Y’all knew Puff Daddy & Biggie’s “It’s All About…

  • Let’s Watch a Movie Together

    I really like to see events in my community. Quite frankly, there are not enough of them. We live in a day and age where we are often so busy that we don’t get the chance to know and converse with our neighbours.  That is why I was really glad to see the local business…

  • Teaching Tip Tuesday – Summer Homework

    You probably read the title for this post and said, “What? Summer homework! What kind of a teacher assigns homework over the summer?” But the truth is, children need educational experiences over the summer. There have been countless studies done on this and there is plenty of data to suggest that after having two months…

  • My Journal Died

    I tried to resurrect it last September but only got two entries in. I picked up the gauntlet again in December and ran for nine days. I managed to do the same thing in January. But I only got one entry down for February, zero for March, one for April, and nothing since. The April…

  • Unnhh!

    I’m feeling a bit under the weather today. I have a cold. It’s a week away from summer holidays and I have a cold. It started all of a sudden Monday afternoon. I was feeling pretty good before it hit me too. I had gone for a nice run through the trails near my house.…

  • Are You Ready Yet?

    Last year on this day, I wrote a blog post entitled “I’m Not Ready” Here is a small excerpt from that post, “I’m not ready,” is one of the most popular excuses in the book. As far as excuses go, it is a good one. Perhaps it is a good idea to prepare before doing…

  • Teaching Tip Tuesday – Packing Up for the Year

    Last year when I inherited my new classroom, I also inherited a mess. It took me nearly two weeks to clean the classroom up, organize resources, throw out garbage, and clean off the chalkboard. I really wasn’t expecting to walk into a disaster zone, and, I tell you, I didn’t appreciate it at all. I…

  • The New Cities Interview Part 2

    This is Part 2 of the interview I did with the electro-pop-rock band The New Cities. Read The New Cities Interview Part 1 and don’t forget to download the entire interview on the podcast. We had a lot of fun on the radio and you can hear it all for free. Without further ado, here is Part 2…