Teaching Tip Tuesday – Learning Doesn’t Stop in the Summer

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I think we need to continue learning even though it is summer vacation. Summer is an important time for families. It gives parents a chance to spend some quality time with their kids. Time is the most important gift you can give to your child.

I would like you and your child to think of the summer as a time where learning can continue. Please think of ways to extend your child’s learning. Encourage your child to do some creative writing or keep a journal. Go to museums, the science centre, or festivals that promote learning. Don’t let learning stop because of the summer vacation. Perhaps you and your family can learn a new skill together. It will set a good example and help your child tremendously in September when he or she goes into their new grade.

Summer Homework Assignment– Please write me a letter.

Here is my address,


I will personally answer each and every letter that I receive. I started this year-end tradition last year and three of my students sent me letters. I am hoping that my class this year can top that.

I will write you back and put a special surprise in each letter as well. I will only write you a letter if you send me one first though.

Thank you for the opportunity of teaching your child this year. It has been an honour and a privelege to do so.

Here are some other ideas of how to keep learning alive this summer.

Reading –  Go to your local public library. Most libraries have summer reading programs where the kids can sign up and read and get all sorts of incentives. Library programs are amazing because they are absolutely free. Go check it out with your child. Sign out books together and discuss what you are both reading together. Perhaps, you can even read the same book and have a mini book club.

Math – I like to estimate grocery bills. You can have your child do this as you place each item into your shopping cart. While you wait in line for anything, you can drill each other on the timetables. You can learn basic number facts for addition and subtraction the same way.

You can go to www.math-drills.com and print out computational worksheets. Do one sheet a day and time it. Challenge him or her to beat his/her score and time. The best thing about this is that it only takes 5 minutes each day to do.

Work these activities into you child’s day and he or she will be all the better for it. They don’t take much time to do either. Consider limiting television and video game time as well.

I hope these ideas help. Learning shouldn’t stop in the summer. 

Yours in education,

Chase March

p.s. I will be taking a little break from this series. It is the summer holidays after all. I will probably start this series up again in late August.
As usual if you have anything you would like to add or discuss, please consider writing a guest post. Send me an email or drop a comment here if you are interested.

4 responses to “Teaching Tip Tuesday – Learning Doesn’t Stop in the Summer”

  1. Hi Chase, I am delighted for this simple initiative, but above all, for showing an example of a teacher who is there not just for the salary.
    Keep like that.