I am an avid reader and love writing book reviews. Hopefully you will find your next great read here. I read a little bit of everything including comics and graphic novels, YA and children’s literature, non-fiction, and more.
A Conversation with Dr. Grove About Public Schools
I had the chance to sit down with Dr. Cornelius Grove to discuss new new book, A Mirror For Americans: What the East Asian Experience Tells Us about Teaching Students Who Excel. We need a major overhaul to the education system as it is in North American schools. Perhaps we can learn from the way…
Can a Poem Save Your Life?
Write a Poem, Save Your Life: A Guide for Teens, Teachers, and Writers of All Ages by Meredith Heller “The first line is a gift, whispered in my ear; I don’t know where it comes from, but I know it’s my lifeline. I grab hold of the words, write them down, and then dive in…
Feel Less Busy and Get More Done
Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done by Laura Vanderkam “Time is finite, so we must make smart choices about it. But time is also abundant: there is enough for anything that truly matters.” I think this might become my new slogan. I want to stop saying I don’t have the time…
Behave and the Kids Will Too
How to Behave so Your Preschooler Will, Too! By Sal Severe, Ph.D. Being a stay-at-home dad is one of the most rewarding jobs I’ve ever had the fortune of doing. I’m learning from my toddler every single day and I get to see him learning too. It’s incredible. There have been several times when I…
My 2021 Reading Log
I have been keeping a detailed reading list for the past nine years. You can find the booklists for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 by clicking on these links. Additionally, each title is linked to a book review that I wrote. Perhaps you will find something new that piques your curiosity. Come back often, or take at look…
The Green Lantern – Season 1
As far as binge-reading goes, this one wasn’t nearly as involved as my last few deep dives in to Green Lantern comics. This one spans 12 issues of the title plus a three-issue mini-series. The Green Lantern: Volume 1 – Intergalactic Lawman The Green Lantern: Volume 2 – The Day The Stars Fell Green Lantern…
Chase March Reads
I blog about every book that I read, provide a short review, and keep an annual reading log. Maybe you will find something you like to read from my posts. Happy Reading!
The Peanut-Free Word Nerd
Word Nerd by Susin Nielsen Prior to staring this book, I picked up a superhero novel that I was excited to read. But the writing was so unbearably terrible that I couldn’t read more than two paragraphs of it. So I picked up this one that had been sitting on my shelf and it captured…
Always Have A Curious Mind
A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life by Brian Grazer I really enjoyed this book and the stories the author told about how staying curious enriched his life and set him on the career path he was meant for. I took lots of notes while reading it. Here are a few of the…
Jay-Z Gets the Scholarly Treatment
JAY-Z: Made in America by Michael Eric Dyson I haven’t followed Jay-Z his whole career. I bought his first two albums on CD but then lost interest as he seemed to move in a more commercial direction. But I came back around with his Black Album and now have several of his discs. Interestingly, that…