Silent Cacophony is a sounding board for Chase March. Here you will find his podcast, book reviews, skatepark tours, teaching-related articles and resources, and much more. Please use the buttons on the home page to navigate to the topics that interest you.

  • Life Gives You 3 Answers

    My neighbour gave me some advice yesterday that really spoke to my situation. He said that life gives you three answers, “Yes.” “Yes, but wait.” “No, there’s something better.” When the love of my life left me in August, it nearly destroyed me. However, we remained friends and it gave me hope. I was always […]

  • Skateboarding and Hip-Hop (Day 7 song)

    Day 07 – A song that reminds you of a certain event Hip Club Groove played an after-party for a skateboard competition in Hamilton once. Their music always makes me think of skateboarding now. “Shootin’ The Gift” by Hip Club Groove Go to the Day 8 song – A song I know all the words […]

  • Ya Down with O.P.P (not really)

    Day 06 – A song that reminds of you of somewhere Naughty by Nature “O.P.P” The weird thing about living in Ontario is that O.P.P. also stands for “Ontario Provincial Police.” This song has nothing to do with the cops. This reminds me of high school. Such an inappropriate song for us young kids to […]

  • Still Thinking of You (Day 5 Song)

    Day 05 – A song that reminds you of someone This song will always remind me of Chrissy Wattie. Rest in Peace! Go to the Day 6 Song – A song that reminds me of high school

  • What Makes a Good Story?

    Eric asked this question recently on his excellent blog, Pimp My Novel. What makes a good story? It’s a question that readers and writers have struggled with over the years. Everyone seems to have a different opinion. Yet, there often seems to be consensus when a good story does come along. It’s almost as if […]

  • The Saddest Song I’ve Heard

    We’ve been having fun with this 30 Day Song Challenge here at Silent Cacophony. I first heard of it through Calvin’s Canadian Cave of Coolness. It was Tumblfrog who started us off on this path. Check out the entire challenge and try it out. I am on Day 4. Please scroll down to see my selection today. Day […]

  • Blogging is Exercise

    Person performs mystical stretching Originally uploaded by mikebaird Blogging is a lot like physical exercise. In fact, blogging is exercise. Let me explain. When you exercise, you build muscle and endurance. You can’t just exercise once and forget it. Once you start exercising, you need to show a commitment to it. Some days you will […]

  • 30 Day Song Challenge-Day 3

    Day 03 – A song that makes you happy Think happy and you gotta think of “The Happy Song” by Organized Rhyme, a comedic rap group from the early 90’s featuring Tom Green. Please give it a chance. It has a weird intro but it’s a pretty cool song. Go to Day 4 – The Saddest […]

  • 30 Day Song Challenge-Day 2

    The 30 Day Song Challenge continues… Day 02 – Your least favorite song “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis I don’t know what it is about this song but I try to avoid it at all costs. I think Elvis is extremely over-rated. I know that I will offend some people by saying that […]

  • 30 Day Song Challenge

    TumbleFrog, the tumblr for Samurai Frog has challenged us to a thirty-day song challenge. I have decided to tackle this project so I will be posting a song each day for the next 30 days. Never fear though, I will continue to run regular blog posts as well. At the end of the 30 days, […]