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Societal Problem. We’ve Gone Astray.
Yesterday Don Imus lost his job. The world is safe again. The interesting thing about this media blitz is that I don’t think it is really that big an issue. Don Imus said something on the airwaves that offended people. He said it in a joking fashion and wasn’t trying to be malicious or hateful.…
Gender, Race, and Colour
Class sizes and demographics change every year. Schools try to keep the number of boys and girls in classes relatively the same. Last year I had 11 boys and 13 girls in my class. 5 of those students were black, 2 were white, and the rest were East Indian. I didn’t think of them in…
To Journal or not to Journal?
I have written a journal now for several years and I find it hard to continue to write it. I used to write in it a lot. I used to pour out my deepest feelings into it and was brutally honest about a lot of things. Maybe I was too honest. I had a girlfriend…
Depth Perception
One thing I can’t figure out is our stereoscopic vision. I have read a bit about this subject and understand that our two eyes combine their separate images into one three-dimensional picture. This makes sense to me. What I don’t understand is how this helps us to perceive depth. When I close one of my…
Energy Depletion
I could feel myself starting to get sick earlier in the week. I tried to slow things down a bit and take care of myself but it didn’t seem to help. I’m sick. I took a day off of work on Tuesday just to recover from not feeling well. I spent the whole day either…
Cultural Influence
It feels like I have always written. I can’t remember when I started but I can remember when I started to take it seriously. I used to write poems. I had written quite a few before I discovered rap music. That is when everything changed. I learned all about hip hop culture and became fully…
Googling an Old Acquaintance
I don’t know why but I did something strange last night. I introduced a character in Chapter 2 of my novel but I named her after an old acquaintance of mine. I typed both her first and last name and she became a character in my novel (but it wasn’t really her, it was a…
Male Teacher
I teach children. Not a lot of males do this for some reason. I see most male teachers gravitate toward middle school or high school. I teach Grade 4. I enjoy it a lot. I remember that my first male teacher was in Grade 4 and I responded really well to him. I also had…
Meant to Be
Where I am right now and how I got here just feels right. It’s a feeling that I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. It’s hard to explain. And it would take pages and pages to explain exactly how I got here. It’s a long story that I…
I got a new watch last month. It’s a digital wonder this watch. It holds time information for three different time zones. It has three alarms, a stopwatch, a countdown timer and an occasion reminder. I use some of these features everyday. I wake up to the beeping alarm. I time my students in class…