Headucator Kids is an album designed specifically for early learners and children with autism. Blending catchy beats with engaging lyrics to introduce fundamental concepts like shapes, numbers, letters, and the days and months of the year. Each track features fun, rhythmic rhymes that make it easy for kids to sing along while learning the essentials in a lively way.
Each song on this album has an engaging video with pictures. letters, and animation that will surely enthrall kids. The videos are available on our new YouTube channel. Most are there now, some will be uploaded shortly.
The deluxe version of this album comes with 2 teacher resource books that feature over 250 pages of ready-to-use activities for your classroom or preschool. They are designed for early learners of varying abilities. There are blackline masters for each song that explore the topics in detail. Simply print them off and use them with your students or children. The Alphabet Printing book comes with this album for free. You can purchase it separately or try-it-before-you-buy-it.
Buy the album on Bandcamp to get all the worksheets and both teacher resource books. Watch the videos on YouTube for free. You can also stream it on your favourite platform.
All lyrics on this album are by A-Cubed, Chase March, Jolene, MikeAll, and Wizekrak. The videos were produced by Wizekrak and Chase March. Wizekrak recorded, mixed, and mastered it. Chase March designed the worksheets and books. And Rae-C was the editor for all print material.
Please share this with your educator friends, teachers, preschool, daycare centre, and your own children. With your support, we can keep making more projects like this one.
Buy Both Teacher Resource Books and Album (in one download)
I’m very excited to share this project with you. Please reach out on social media and let me know what you think or if you used it in your class. I would love to hear from you!