It felt like blogging died a few years ago.
I know that it didn’t. There are still a few great ones out there, but overall, the platform just isn’t what it used to be.
I know that I haven’t written with any regularity for years now. Scrolling through my feed seems to be mostly episodes of my radio show podcast and news of upcoming events or music that I have released.
I want my blog to read like a blog so I spent some time last week tagging all my entries. Now, when you click on the blog link in the navigation panel, you will not see the podcast posts. You will just see the blog posts. I like this much better as you can go down the rabbit hole of my thoughts and musings.
Two weeks ago, I started writing in my journal again. I hadn’t written an entry there for a year and a half either.
Well, enough of that!
I started this blog to write. It was my goal to become a published author, and it still is. I just haven’t worked toward that goal in years.
So, this is my plan.
I will write one blog post per week moving forward.
I will also dust off my manuscripts, make some second drafts, ask for some reader feedback, and then finally, finally publish some of my work.
I have a novel, a YA novel, a verse novel, and a screenplay I’d like to produce as a comic. It’s time to follow through with these things and not just leave them on a hard drive or a printed off document in a binder.
It’s been a long time, but this goal has never truly left my mind. If you’d like to read any of my work and give me feedback, please reach out.
Thanks for being on this journey with me.