Teaching Tips

  • Teaching Tip Tuesday – Tribes

    Students need to learn how to work cooperatively, how to treat each other with respect, and how to listen attentively. These are life skills that are absolutely essential to have. Yet these skills are not addressed in the Ministry of Education’s curriculum documents. As teachers, we are expected to teach a variety of subject areas…

  • Teaching Tip Tuesday – Character Education

    A huge part of teaching lies outside of the curriculum. Teachers cannot simply teach the basics; math, science, social studies, English, etc. We need to teach the students how to work together cooperatively, how to follow routines and procedures, and how to strive for their best. Character education has become a bit of a buzzword…

  • Teaching Tip Tuesdays – Long Range Plans

    My first teaching assignment was at a school that had four classes per each grade. We collaborated on our long range plans, and basically inherited the plan from the year before. When I left that school for a smaller community school, I really didn’t know what to do. I had to write a long range…

  • Teaching Tip Tuesday – Supply Plans

    Welcome to Teaching Tip Tuesdays! It is my goal here to share my best practices so that other teachers can benefit from my experience. I hope that you are finding this ongoing series helpful. If you have any ideas, comments, or questions, I would love to hear from you. Please drop a comment or send…

  • Teaching Tip Tuesday – Keep it at School

    Teaching is a demanding job that can eat up every waking hour of your life. Whenever you are not in the classroom, you are thinking about it. Whenever you see a pile of junk that most people would just throw away, you automatically see how you could use this material in an art or science…

  • Teaching Tip Tuesday – Day Plans

    I remember when I first started supply teaching. I would go into the classroom in the morning and try to figure out what work the teacher had left for me. I would often find a weekly agenda page with the date written down on it. Under each block of time would be one or two…

  • Teaching Tip Tuesday – Take a Number

    Welcome to the first edition of Teaching Tip Tuesday. Today I want to share with you a small tip that I am so glad to have come across in my first year of teaching. I have used it ever year since and will continue to do so. It may seem overly simple, but that is…

  • Teaching Tip Tuesday

    Writers love alliteration, don’t they? I know that I do. That’s why I can’t think of a better reason than to start this new weekly series. I’ve actually been thinking about this for some time now. I know that my readership doesn’t consist merely of teachers so I don’t want to alienate anyone. I don’t…

  • How to Listen

    Believe it or not, students need to be taught how to listen. Here is a poster I made up, (well actually I borrowed the idea from somewhere) to help focus on what we should do to listen well. Once again, being succinct is key. We listen with out eyes – look at who is speaking.…