February 2014
The Last Ten Minutes of a Lesson are Very Important
How to Teach: The Book of Plenary by Phil Beadle I’ve read dozens of books on teaching and most of them are fairly straight-forward. It’s hard to describe, but this one is written with a sarcastic, witty, dark kind of tone. It sets it apart from other educational books, that’s for sure. The author admits…
Jalal of The Last Poets Interview
WIB Rap Radio Hour – Jalal aka Lightnin’ Rod of The Last Poets by Thewordisbond.Com on Mixcloud 40 years ago, before the proliferation of hustler’s stories in the genre of rap music, a poet dropped an album that was definitely ahead of its time. Chuck D calls the album, “a verbal bible to understand the…
Access: Asheru (Live Radio Interview)
Asheru will be our special guest for this week’s live and interactive radio show. This program is a partnership between Our Show, Kevin Nottingham, The Word is Bond, DOPEfm, and Silent Cacophony. Conshus runs the segment live on the radio in Florida on 91.5 WPRK and I join him via the magic of Google Hangouts. You can listen to the show…
The Walking Dead (Brief Respite)
The Walking Dead: Volume 10 – What We Become I have been reading this series courtesy of the public library. I should have read volume 8 and 9 next but I looked at the first few pages and realized that the Governor story had been completed and a new arc had started, so I didn’t…
A Great School Doesn’t Need a Building
A great school doesn’t need a building. It just needs students eager to learn, dedicated teachers, and a little help from the community. I saw this on Tumblr and was completely blown away by what these teachers have created. They built a school under a bridge in India. It is an unusual school in an…
Chasing Content – February 2013
Chasing Content is a monthly feature here on Silent Cacophony that has us looking back at what was happening here on the blog last year at this time. Read all of the posts from last February or just these favs . . . Amazing Black History Month Posters I really love these images and how…
Live Interview with Dessa
Dessa will be our special guest for this week’s live and interactive radio show. This program is a partnership between Our Show, Kevin Nottingham, The Word is Bond, DOPEfm, and Silent Cacophony. Conshus runs the segment live on the radio in Florida on 91.5 WPRK and I join him via the magic of Google Hangouts. You can listen to the show…