Chasing Content – February 2013

Feb CalendarChasing Content is a monthly feature here on Silent Cacophony that has us looking back at what was happening here on the blog last year at this time.

Read all of the posts from last February or just these favs . . .

Amazing Black History Month Posters

I really love these images and how inspirational they  are!

An Interview with Shanaya Fastje

Shanaya Fastje is a fascinating young woman. I really enjoyed talking to her about her book, Bully in the Mirror. You can read the transcript, stream the audio interview, or download it as a podcast. Enjoy!

Know Your History – The First Rap Record

I scour through the musical archives to trace the roots of rap music. The journey takes us all the way back to 1937. You’ll be amazed at what we unearthed.

Superman – The Mixtape

I made a mix of Superman-themed songs and then made a clean version of the same project. Superman is for everybody after all.

The PItfalls of Social Media in the Classroom

This one incident ruined the use of Facebook for me educationally. It was a shame because I enjoyed this home-school communication tool. I still haven’t found anything that replaces it.

Thanks for Chasing Content with me!

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