July 2008

  • Things Work Out

    Do you remember how we met each other? “Yeah, I do. It was at a conference. We sat beside each other and got to talking.” And why did you choose that specific seat? “I don’t know. I just did, I guess.” Do you think things happen for a reason? “I’m not sure. I think that […]

  • Just Plain Idiotic

    I went to Canada Day celebrations yesterday at a local park. There had to have been at least 50,000 people there. It was an amazing event that was catered to families. There were children’s rides and free events. And there was a main stage showing some local musicians. I was watching the stage show and […]

  • Think, Leave, Cook, Write or TLCW

    This is a weird philosophy of writing that I have cooked up. I thought I’d share my recipe with you. So here it is, The Recipe to Good Writing 1) Think Writers must always be thinking of what could make a good story. Be on the lookout for ideas and scribble them down where ever […]