Hawkeye – An Avenger or a Weapon

Hawkeye Vol 1 - My Life as a Weapon

Hawkeye: Volume 1 – My Life as a Weapon

When I first heard of this title, I really had no interest in reading it. After all, he is probably the least exciting member of The Avengers. But the praise for the book has been strong, so when I saw it on the shelves of the public library, I had to pick it up.

I must say that I really enjoyed this read. The humour in it is priceless. It’s along the lines of what was done in The Avenger films as well. If you loved those, you will probably enjoy this book too.

This looks like it will continue as a solo title. The library had the next several volumes as well. They are now on my to-read list.

Maybe you can find something you’d like to read on one of my annual reading lists.

My List of 2015 Reads

My List of 2014 Reads

My List of 2013 Reads