recommended reads

  • The Escapists

    It’s not often that I read a graphic novel and say “Wow! That was amazing!” It happened with Frank Miller’s “The Dark Knight Returns” and the again with Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ “Watchmen.” These two books deserve the classic status that they have earned in the comic industry. Both of those books took the…

  • Love is a Mix tape

    I love mix tapes. I used to make them all the time. I made tapes off of the radio. I taped my favourite songs from a variety of different tapes or records. And then I got really serious about it. I bought a mixer and used my CD walkman and my regular mini-component system to…

  • Excuse to Change?

    I just finished reading forget about it, by Caprice Crane. It is an amazing novel. I had a hard time putting it down. It is about a twenty-five year old that doesn’t really like how her life has turned out so far. She starts thinking about a do-over. And then, as if the universe heard…

  • Recommended Reads # 6

    Story by Robert McKee I first heard of this book from a comic book convention. I sat in on a writer’s panel discussion and was quite fascinated. It was amazing to hear writers speak of their craft, characters, and creations. I have been to a few of these events and have been able to meet…

  • Recommended Reads # 5

    Watchmen by Allan Moore and Dave Gibbons This book is a classic in all rights. It has won a Hugo Award. It has had a huge influence on books that came after it. It is in many people’s top ten lists. And lastly, like all classic literature these days, it is being turned into a…

  • Recommended Reads # 4

    I just finished A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. I wanted to read it because it gets referenced in so many other works of art. Even rap songs mention this literary classic. Upon reading it, I can see why. It is a very poetic and touching book. I could barely put the thing…

  • Recommended Reads # 3

    On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King This book is part autobiography part writing manual. It is an excellent read for anyone who anyone who writes. King shares his story and advice on how to write. He examines many aspects of writing that he finds essential to the craft. I learned a…

  • Recommended Reads # 2

    Recommended Reads is a series of this blog where I share with you some of my favourite books. You can keep track of all the recommended reads by clicking on the label on the sidebar. I know that there are thousands of good books and that there is no way you can possible read all…

  • Recommended Reads # 1

    I enjoy reading and would like to share some of my favourite books with you. This is the first of what I hope is to be several entries under this header. Heartbeat by Sharon Creech This book sounds amazing! It is a verse novel and at first glance it seems like a collection of poems,…