Poke the Box: When was the last time you did something for the first time? by Seth Godin
“Perhaps the thing you ought to do is something new. Something new is often the right path when the world is complicated.“
But it can be hard to operate without a map. Seth Godin believes that “human nature is to need a map.” And in this book, he encourages us to create one. He writes, “If you’re brave enough to draw one, people will follow.”
Seth Godin wants us to take action and try something new. I find his words inspiring. I am sure you will too. Here are a few more passages that I marked while reading.
Use Your Voice
“When revolutions appear . . . it’s surprising how long it takes for us to take action. Simple example: how long did it take after the birth of blogs or Twitter for you to begin speaking up? Before this, you had no cheap, easy, allowable way to speak your mind to the world. You weren’t allowed.
I believe that if you’ve got the platform and the ability to make a difference, then this goes beyond “should” and reaches the level of “must.” You must make a difference or you squander the opportunity. Wasting the opportunity both degrades your won ability to contribute and, more urgently, takes something away from the rest of us.“
Just Do It
“We often turn to authors and experts for instruction on what to do. If we only knew what to do, the thinking goes, then we’d do it.
I’m not seeing a shortage of what-to-do knowledge. There are plenty of really smart, well-trained people in organizations large and small who know exactly what to do.
The shortage is in people willing to do it. To take a leap. To walk out onto the ledge and start. Apparently, many of us have forgotten how to do it.”
So, poke the box. Stop waiting for a road map and blaze your own trail.