November 2007

  • Comments

    Blogs give you a great opportunity to get instant feedback on what you write. I love that feature so much. Getting comments on an entry is what really makes this whole experience worthwhile. Thank you to everyone who has made a comment here at some time. I know that not every post will speak to…

  • The Price of an Education

    When you get a loan to go to school, you don’t think about it much. I know I didn’t. I was happy to have the opportunity to go to university and teacher’s college. I love my job and would never think about going back and doing things differently. Truth is, I really needed those loans…

  • The Power of 3

    Yesterday’s commonplace book quotation reminded me of a great book I read this summer. It was called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. In this book, he tells us that all of our problems in life are simply situations. How we react to these situations is what causes the drama and pain in our…

  • Commonplace Book # 11

    “Is it logical that two people can disagree and that both can be right? It’s not logical; it’s psychological. And it’s very real. And unless we value the differences in our perceptions, unless we value each other and give credence to the possibility that we’re both right, that life is not always a dichotomous either/or,…

  • Why Is It About The Marks?

    The first term of school is now over. My report cards have all been written and this week we will have parent-teacher interviews. I like the procedure my school has for handing out report cards. I haven’t seen another school do it quite this way, and I must say that I really think this is…

  • Small but Significant

    Who am I?The guy no one pays attention tothe guy who doesn’t fit intothe stereotypical image, you know,the one you’re used to seeing Who are you?Everyone elsefamily, friends, colleagues, nameless otherswho meander in and out,on their own agendas I can feel indifferent and unconnected in that differenceuntil I take a moment and try to understandor…

  • It’s Gotta Be The Shoes

    Grade 6 is when my love of running began. Mr. Smith was our gym teacher, as well as the track & field and cross-country coach. He designed great running courses in the very limited space available. I will always remember that. He made maps of the running routes and gave them names such as the…

  • Slow Down

    We live in a fast-paced world. It seems that we have little patience for most things these days. I think that we need to take time for ourselves. We need to slow down sometimes. If we get sick, we need to take the time to make ourselves better. We owe this to ourselves and to…

  • Commonplace Book # 10

    “Much of our satisfaction in life depends on our skills in connecting with other people – skills of dialogue we might call them.” – Bonnycastle, Stephen. In Search of Authority pg 23 Connecting with people is a skill? Does that mean that we can learn how to do it better? I think it does. This…

  • Negative Rights

    I saw this program on television this weekend that mentioned negative rights – the right to be without something. Right away I thought about cell phones. In this day and age, is it even possible to be free of this communication device? I personally don’t care for cell phones. I have an answering machine at…