July 2017
Old Man Logan (Superheroes Can’t Retire)
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Old Man Logan is a new on-going series that focuses on our favourite hero in an apocalyptic future where super-heroes are conspicuously absent and super-villains rule. I read the first volume of this series last year. At the time, I didn’t realize that this story got its start in the regular…
Highlights from Last July
It’s time to go exploring! Let’s dig through the archives and blow the dust off some posts you might have missed. Here are a few highlights from last year at this time. Read all of the posts from last July, or just these favs . . . Old School Skateboarding with Rodney Mullen Rodney Mullen is a…
150 Canadian Hip-Hop Tracks Celebrating Canada 150!
I wanted to celebrate Canada’s sesquicentennial with a special edition of Word is Bond Rap Radio. My goal was to play 150 Canadian hip-hop tracks to help celebrate Canada 150! Last week, we started the quest and managed to play 30 tracks. Needless to say, this might take a a few more episodes to complete.…