Every year on DOPEfm we celebrate International Women’s Day by dedicating all seven hours of our overnight radio show to the Women in Hip-Hop.
This year we had an excellent show featuring artist interviews, a roundtable discussion, a Know Your History segment on the first lady of Canadian Hip-Hop, Michie Mee, and some great mixsets from Gamma Krush and myself.
This is the first of two mixsets that Gamma Krush did for the show. Each and every track is blessed by a woman. We are celebrating the great music that female artists contribute to hip-hop culture each and every single day here on DOPEfm.
Please download this show for free, stream it with the player below, share it with your friends, and put it on blast all summer long. And make sure you stay tuned to this blog for more coverage of our International Women’s Day Spectacular. Lots more to come!
If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here