Winterlude is an annual event where Canadians get together to celebrate Winter.
I know a lot of people would rather huddle up inside and hide under the covers just waiting for it to be over. “Who celebrates winter?” they say.
That being said, I’ve always heard good things about Winterlude so this year I made my way up to Ottawa to check it out.
The celebrations kicked off Friday night with a spectacular fireworks display.
I went into Quebec to the Canadian Museum of Civilization to see the musical display.
I don’t think I’ve seen a better fireworks demonstration in my entire life. It started with what you normally expect of the grand finale. The pacing of the fireworks was amazing. It let up a little in the middle of the show and the music slowed down in perfect syncopation.
The bridge was entirely lit up and at one point, it looked like it became a waterfall as the fireworks arced off of the bridge. It was cool to see the fire extinguishing as it hit the ice below.
After the fireworks, a DJ Misstress Barbara played some energetic records to get everyone to dance and warm up.
It was a pretty nice welcome to Canada’s capital region. I spent the rest of the weekend enjoying the other attractions that Winterlude had to offer and will be blogging about them later this week.
8 responses to “Winterlude Lights Up the Night”
Hi Chase .. that sounds fun and it'll be interesting to read the other posts later in the week .. enjoy our stay .. Hilary
Hi Hilary,
I have posts planned for the week that really celebrate Canadian winter. Tomorrow I will be posting a teaching tip but the rest the week will focus on some of the other great things that have been happening in our nation's capital.
Thanks a lot!
sounds like fun. How different is Ottawa from your place of living?
Hi Ela,
Ottawa is about six hours away from Hamilton. It's still in the same province but the average temperature this time of year is a bit colder.
Ottawa is the capital city of Canada so there are a lot of things to see and do here. There are various tourist spots here as well.
Over all, it's a nice city.
I live in Vancouver and I thought that maybe a lot more people speak french in Ottawa as more roads are called Rue instead of street, even though it is in Ontario. Just a thought.
Hi Ela,
You are right. There is certainly a lot of French language up here. Some people are bilingual, and most of the signs or notices are printed in both langauges.
I don't know if you've been to vancouver but the second language here would certainly be chinese. We have lots of sings in chinese and korean, well, also in east indian.
No signs in aboriginal though they had to learn english..
Hi Ela,
I've never been to the West Coast of Canada but I really would like to one day.