This is the second time I’ve done this. I went for a run and took my camera along. I stopped every few minutes to take a picture. Here is a visual tour of my run through the Waterfront Trail in Grimsby.
I started off the run right out the front door of my mom’s house. I had to run along the streets for about a kilometer. Notice how they don’t have any sidewalks.
This is Lake Ontario and you can see that I passed a sailboat as I ran.
This is a trail marker that shows how long this trail actually is. A lot of it runs along the streets or trails by the water. I much prefer running through the woods so I headed up towards where it connects with the Bruce Trail.
Here is a small lighthouse just before the trail goes into the woods.
The trail just starts here so it is pretty clean and even. It gets a little more challenging a few kilometers in, as you will see.
Here is a short bridge. You can see that right now I am running alongside a small creek.
This is about three kilometers into my run. A road cuts across the natural beauty I have been running in. But it is only a small obstacle. I cross it with no problems and end up running back through nature.
This is a nice place for a soccer field. I’d like to play there. The field is fenced along the other three sides. So here comes the next obstacle in my run.
There are only a few stiles like this that you have to cross during this running route. But it is nice to have a change of pace and climb up and down a ladder. It adds some excitement.
You can see the trail is clearly marked. Here it runs under the QEW, a busy highway.
I take a moment to appreciate this nice piece of graffiti art.
At this point, the trail comes out near downtown Grimsby. You can see the Niagara Escarpment. There are further trails all along the Escarpment as well.
I run up the mountain as a cycler speeds down it.
It’s not really big enough to be called a mountain. But everyone simply calls it “the mountain” here in the Hamilton area. You can see they were really creative with this street name too.
The end of the run isn’t as picturesque as I run straight down the street to get back to my mom’s house.
It was a great run. I finished it in 27:54 minutes so by my rough appoximation it is probably about a seven kilometer route. Hope you enjoyed this visual tour of my run. I certainly enjoyed running it, documenting it, and putting it all together here.
4 responses to “Waterfront Trail Run”
Wow! What an awesome route. I especially like the ladder. 🙂 It seems a unique feature to a run. Thanks for taking the time to take pictures for us, so we can all enjoy your run virtually. S
Thanks. I actually like running with a camera. It feels like I should do it every time I run a new route.
I could make a new blog called “Running with Camera.” but that would eat up too much of my time. Still it would be cool.
Great tour. Is all that jumping around harmful to the camera though? Drove by the Niagara escarpment last time I was up north! Loved all the pics, especially the stile. There are lots of stiles in Ireland, over stone walls, by the sides of large gates so you can get through without opening…..
Hi Molly,
I don’t let the camera dangle around. I wrap the strap around my wrist and keep the camera in my grasp as I run.
When I stop to take a picture, I slide the lens cap over, snap a picture, and then close the lens cap again.
I haven’t had any problems yet. And if I do, it’s just a cheap starter camera anyway. I hope to get lots of years out of it. So far I have alrady taken hundreds of good pictures with it.
I’m glad you enjoyed the tour. Thanks!