Wait for . . . Another Book

Wait for Me by Samantha Chase

I make sure to have a book nearby at all times. The public library makes that easy with their Libby app. I always have an ebook downloaded and available on my phone. This way, when I find myself with a few moments of time where I have nothing to do, I dip into a book and read. I used to waste this time on social media. Reading a book is so much better than reading status updates.

When I was browsing the digital book shelves I found a book by Samantha Chase that sounded interesting. It turned out to be the ninth book in a series. I didn’t have the desire to read a nine book series right now. The only time I have done that was with Ender’s Game, which has more than nine books (and they are excellent). I’ve also read Harry Potter, Divergent, Artemis Fowl, and the City of Ember series. These are the books I consider to be series. They tell a complete story and are centered around one character.

I’ve never understood book series that revolve around people who solve crimes. Detective fiction has never really interested me. Sometimes I like a romantic tale or something that people would consider chick-lit, but I didn’t realize the extent to which this are now sold as series.

This book is part of The Montgomery Brothers series. I was curious to see what a romance novel series was all about. And to tell you the truth, I was a little disappointed with this one.

(Spoiler alert ahead)

The story itself, was okay, if not a bit cliché. It revolves around a family business and a young lady who is the executive assistant to the boss and family patriarch. The father wants to set one of his sons up and thinks the best way to do so is to send his assistant to his place in the mountains during a snowstorm. When she veers off the road, she is forced to spend the weekend with the son. He has his own problems. He used to be a star player in the NFL and has been hiding himself away since a career-ending injury.

The story follows the will-they? won’t they? end up together storyline.

I won’t give away much of the story but I will say the ending seems rushed. For the first book in a series, I can’t understand why it ended with the two characters getting married. The second book could have been about them getting to that point. Instead, the second book is about the other brother and the perceived notion that he needs to be married off now too. Give me a break.

Book 9, the one I wanted to originally read, is set in a different town and centers around a brother not even mentioned in this book. I think I am going to skip that one entirely. I don’t like series that keep telling the same story over and over again. One office place romance for this family is enough for me, I think.

My List of 2020 Reads – my annual reading (b)log