There are some amazing skateboard parks just waiting to be discovered. I love coming across a new one. Every time I do, I document it here. Hopefully, you will find a new park to skate in the process.
Music For Skaters (Free Skateboard Mixtape Download)
I love skateboarding and I love mixtapes, so I decided to bring both things together and craft “Music for Skaters” I hope you enjoy the mix! You can stream it with the player below or you can download the album version with skippable tracks. Most of the songs are actually about skateboarding as you can…
Where’s My Flying Skateboard?
Last night I dreamt that I was in the process of creating a flying skateboard. I had to ollie to get the board into the air. Unless I performed a perfect ollie, the board would not hover. It would just fall back to the ground. I tried it again and again. I was determined to…
Skateboarding, Batman, and Photoshop
I found this image on Tumblr two weeks ago. I was impressed that Heath Ledger was skateboarding during a break from shooting. I found another image about Comics and Skateboarding and teamed them up together for a blog post. At the time, I thought the skateboarding Joker image was so cool. I also believed it was…
Comics and Skateboarding
Two images I found on Tumblr just now that I had to post together. Had to! Apparently the above image was taken during a break in shooting and it actually is Heath Ledger (rest in peace) doing a kickflip over Batman from the set of The Dark Knight. Very cool! Correction This image is fake.…
Shredding With Tony Hawk
Check out my latest skateboard. You’ve seen the one at the top before. The one on the bottom is my brand new one and I’ve already logged several hours of intense skating on it. I know. It doesn’t have wheels. But it doesn’t need them. It’s actually the controller for a really cool video game.…
Worse Ways to be Stuck Inside
So I’d been hobbling along for a few days. Days that just happened to be amazingly beautiful and sunny. Days that practically called me to get out and be active. Days that teased me because my bruised and swollen ankle prevented me from doing so. The good news is that my girlfriend was doing some…
Battle Scars
Remember what my skateboard looked like two weeks ago when I first bought it? Here it is after some March Break skating. It’s normal for your skateboard to get a bit scratched and banged up after only a few rides. They are built to take some major punishment. You can see that I’ve scraped some…
Proud to Shred
Here is my new skateboard. It’s an Alien Workshop deck with matching wheels. The trucks are Hornet Reflex. Skateboards have changed a bit since I bought my last board. It’s hard to see what I mean until I put both boards beside each other. As you can see my old wheels are a lot…
A Proud Goofy Foot
Image via Wikipedia When I first started skateboarding, I really didn’t know much about the sport. We didn’t have the X-games. Skateboarding wasn’t covered by television stations. Skateboarding magazines weren’t popular or readily accessible to me. Video cameras weren’t in everyone’s home at this point either. Needless to say, I didn’t have many idols, or…