Original Silent Cacophony

  • Reclaimed My Name

    Silent Cacophony was born a long, long time ago. It was originally a title of a book I tried to write when I was a teenager. So I knew when I started blogging that it just had to be the title of my blog as well. It just made so much sense. It also seemed…

  • Welcome to the SC!

    Silent Cacophony was born a long, long time ago. I remember exactly how it started. I was fishing through the dictionary and came across this wonderful word “cacophony.” It meant a harsh or discordant sound. I didn’t even know how to pronounce the word at the time, but it resonated with me for some reason.…

  • Work It In

    It’s funny how my original Silent Cacophony book that I wrote in a coil notebook got put away for years but would not die. It stayed with me, even when I thought it was completely lost. And when I thought of starting a blog I knew that it had to have the same title. But…

  • A Page Burns

    A page burns in the fire at my campsite. There is no more proof of the error I made on that page. A trivial error it was, but an error nonetheless. As I watch the paper crumple and burn I wonder about ends. The ends of things. The ends of life. The paper is no…

  • Time is Like Ink

    I get philosophical and introspective quite often. Perhaps too often, could it be that I think too much? No, negative side effects have never been proven, it could just be that getting introspective about being introspective could undermine all I know or ought to have known to be significant and purposeful. Perhaps my life flows…

  • Time for Dead Seriousness

    Two directly opposite and conflicting emotions can be felt at the same time. This fact has always blown my mind. Translation – I have never understood who that can happen. For instance, a friend of mine died at age 17, and while I mourned the loss, thought bad for the family, and cried in my…

  • Quotes & Questions

    I am really enjoying going through this old coil notebook of my writings from the summer of 1995. It’s strange how this first version of Silent Cacophony is a lot like a blog. The titles of the posts this week are the actual titles above each entry I wrote in that coil notebook. Here is…

  • Possible Titles

    This is the second excerpt from my recently discovered lost work. This is the second page of the coil notebook and it shows a brainstorming session as I try to come up with a title for it. Well, here it is in its entirety. LITERATURE I smell a rat. Literature. U ARE A LITE RAT.…

  • What is This?

    It seems that he has lost what was left of his sanity. Saneness is in the mind of the beholder. Little voice in one’s head may be dismissed as Cacophony. Phooey-phooey, you may say. Or you did say if you are reading aloud. Sunglasses worn over top of your hat are cool. Life is ……

  • The First Silent Cacophony

    I was doing some major cleaning and decluttering on the weekend and I came across something that I thought was lost – the original Silent Cacophony book. I couldn’t believe I actually found it. I screamed out loud and jumped around at the discovery of this small coil notebook. It meant a lot to me…