A Fake Sense of Urgency
We are constantly bombarded with information. We get text messages, social media alerts, and emails that we feel need to be attended to. It’s hard to ignore a ringing phone or beeping alert. Our devices can seem to hold us prisoner. We are at their beck and call. But is this a good thing? In…
The Pitfalls of Social Media in Education
At the start of the school year, I had a good idea on how to open up the lines of communication between home and school. My idea? To use the social media sites that people already use on a regular basis. As such, I entered into the world of Facebook. Three months into the school…
Comic Strip Newsletters
I went to a workshop last week and a fellow teacher told me that she does her newsletters in a comic strip format. I thought it was a great idea for several reasons. It’s Visual! Large blocks of text often get ignored in this fast paced world. A comic strip is something that can be…
How I’ve Been Using Facebook in My Teaching
As an experiment this year, I decided to embrace social media to help open the lines of communication with students and parents. It’s only three months into the school year, but I thought I’d share with you my progress thus far. I started up a professional Facebook account this summer. This account was meant to…