commonplace book
Make Mistakes and Roll With Them
“Weren’t you worried you would make a mistake?” I ask. “Made two of ‘em. No one seemed to notice.” I nearly choke on my carrot stick. “What? You made two mistakes?” “Acting’s like real life, Mon. You make a mistake, you keep going. Everyone adapts. It’s no big deal.” He hurries to say hello to…
The Truth is Hidden Within Us
Remember when I used to feature a quotation on this blog every week? That was a long time ago. Today, I thought I’d share a nice quote with you all here.I really like this one. It shows a connection that I feel is present among us all. It speaks a truth. And yes, it is…
Collected Wisdom This Week
I’ve come across a few really cool jewels of wisdom in my online travels this week. I wanted to share them with you. This week’s contributers are, Reverend Run (of Run-DMC.) – he posts inspirational Tweets each and every day. Calvin – runs a great blog where he shares what he finds online. Nothing Profound…
Quotations of the Week
I thought I’d share with you some of the quotes I’ve been posting this week from my commonplace blog. If you like what you read, check out Thoughtful Cacophony. Motivational Monday – I always start out the week with a motivational quote. “It is through cooperation, rather than conflict, from which your greatest successes be…
What’s It Mean?
I’ve picked up a few stock phrases that my dad always used to use when I was a kid. I’ve done the same thing with my some of my grandpa’s phrases. I never thought twice about what some of those phrases meant. They just sounded cool and it spewed them out with pride. When I…
The Beauty in Halloween
“In the face of all the horror, the small-minded stupidity, the endless bloody wars, and inevitable death, people have gone on and on constructing things of beauty.” – Kieran Egan. Teaching as Story Telling. The Althouse Press: London, 1986 pg 109 Have a safe and Happy Halloween Everyone!
Kids Aren’t China Dolls
I don’t know why some parents treat their children like they are precious and breakable items that need to be constantly looking their best. It’s okay for children to get muddy. It’s alright if they come home with a grass stain. Bumps and bruises are part of childhood. A little scratch or bruise is not…
Dragons Can Be Defeated
“The important thing about any story where you fight a dragon is not that you’re telling people that dragons are real. But that you’re telling people that dragons can be defeated. And that is a huge, true thing. And something that should never be forgotten.”– Neil Gaiman, writer Beowulf from the DVD bonus feature “Beasts…
Never Think
As you know, I like to collect quotations. Often when I am reading, I stop at a passage that speaks to me and underline it. If it’s a library book, I keep a paper bookmark where I can write down something short and simple so that when I finish the book, I can go back…