2019 Reads

  • Adventures in Space Comics

    Adventures in Space via Comics

    Here are the latest graphic novels I copped from the public library and my thoughts on them. Captain Marvel – Alis Volat Propriis I have to admit, I don’t know much about the character of Captain Marvel. My exposure to her comes from the Civil War crossover event, and the appearances she has made in…

  • Originals Book Review

    Originality is Always the Answer

    Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant I really enjoyed this book. I took tons of notes while reading it. Here are a few of my takeaways from it. Question the Default “The hallmark of originality is rejecting the default and exploring whether a better option exists.” I do this all the time.…

  • Hawkeye - Avenging Archer (Book Review)

    Hawkeye – Avenging Archer

    My introduction to Hawkeye was through the Avengers movies. I knew very little about the character prior to that and, frankly, didn’t find him all that compelling. I reluctantly picked up the 2013 comic book series a few years back and was pleasantly surprised by it. It was a great read that I thoroughly enjoyed.…

  • My List 2019 Reads

    My List of 2019 Reads

    Reading is often a personal experience that is very rarely shared. Every now and then a book may really speak to you and you want to let people know about it. So you bring it up in conversation, you post about it on social media, and then you move on to the next book. It’s…

  • Star Trek Green Lantern TPBs

    Star Trek / Green Lantern Crossover

    Two of my favoruite fandoms come together in an epic crossover event; Star Trek and Green Lantern. When I saw this book, I had to get my hands on it right away. And it didn’t disappoint. Star Trek / Green Lantern: Volume 1 – The Spectrum War This first book was just as magical as…

  • We Should All Be Feminists

    We Should All Be Feminists

    We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie My first exposure to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was through her TED Talk “The Danger of a Single Story.” She made some great points about how we should strive to learn more about other people and cultures.   It turns out that she has done more than…

  • Zen Pencils

    Quotes Come Alive with Zen Pencils

    Zen Pencils – Cartoon Quotes From Inspirational Folks by Gavin Aung Than There are a lot of quotation books on the market, but none are quite like this. The creator of this book takes some of the most inspirational quotes and turns them into brilliant comic strips. The images enhance the words and hammer the…