The adventures of Amy Pond, Rory Williams, and the Eleventh Doctor continue on in a series of original novels.
This book is bigger on the inside, and that’s not just a clever Doctor Who joke. It’s actually a collection of two novels bound creatively in one volume. Each story is 200 pages long and opens up like a regular novel. When you finish one story, you simply flip the book over and begin reading a brand new adventure.
Doctor Who: Heart of Stone by Trevor Baxendale
I wasn’t completely impressed with this story, but I did like how the author managed to get the interactions between Amy, Rory, and The Doctor spot on. I could hear the characters through the dialogue and I laughed at a few moments in the story where I could picture the actors in my head clear as day.
Doctor Who: Death Riders by Justin Richards
This was the best story in this 2-in-1 collection and I really wasn’t expecting it to be. It’s set at a carnival and it could have become cliche and boring, but it didn’t drag. I whipped through the story in one day.
I like how Amy drives the story and how Rory gets to save the day. I love this couple so much. I want to see them risking everything for each other. I am glad that their adventures live on in print. Although I wish I could still see them on the television every week.
Keep Up With Everything I’ve Read This Year
My 2013 Reading Log (with links to each title)