The Vaxcination Concert (Friday)

DJ Chase March Events

Come see a live show Friday in London, Ontario, Canada. It’s an early one due to Covid-19 restrictions so make sure you get there for the 6:00 pm start time.

Here’s the flyer and some more information about it.

DWG Entertainment presents . . . The Vaxcination: A Hip-Hop Anonymous Event 

with headlining act

Strange Breed

and performances by

047 Jackboi
Bigg Zee
Ice Boy Haze
Scrmmbled Eggz

with music by

DJ Chase March

It will be great to be in front of a crowd spinning again. I can’t wait!

I hope to see you there!

WHAT: Hip-Hop Anonymous – The Vaxcination
WHEN: Friday March 19, 2021
WHERE: Old East Bar and Grill – 765 Dundas St. E. London, ON.
TIME: 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
COST: Free