Here’s an excerpt from “Poet X” by Elizabeth Acevedo. I thought it was fitting to share on this, the last day of summer vacation. It is written from the perspective of a teenage girl.
I will be blogging about this verse novel soon. It was a great read!
Let’s stick with the night-before-school theme and check out another poem. This one is by Bruce Larkin.
‘Twas the night before school starts,
And all through the city,
Parents were filled with joy.
They were downright giddy.
Children huddled in beds,
Many shed a tear.
Thoughts of returning to school
Filled them with fear.
All around the city,
Parents said what they love to say;
“Better get to bed now.
Tomorrow’s a school day!”
And while you prepare for your first day of school this year, take in these wise words from Calvin’s Canadian Cave of Cool.
Great advice in that little piece for students and parents.
Here’s wishing you all a great year!