Thames Park Trail


Thames Park is located close to the downtown core of London, Ontario and it is the starting point for the latest Visual Running Tour! 


I started off at the Wortley Road entrance and ran past the playground and community pool. I went over the main bridge to get to the other side of the river.


This is where the Thames Valley Parkway (TVP) continues.


The TVP is a fully-accessible trail that is good for strollers, rollerblades, skateboards, and of course, runners.

A few bicyclists zoomed passed me this afternoon as well. But I always make sure to stick to the right side of the trail for just that reason.


This is where I started off running The Thames Valley Parkway last time. There are 40 kilometers of linked trails. Maybe I should try to run the whole route, bit-by-bit this summer.


I’m not a big fan of paved trails but one that traverses the entire city is a great idea. And one that follows the river is beautiful.

More Trails

Click on the Photographic Tours button at the top of the page and explore the 50 or so routes I have posted there.

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