Lego has so many educational benefits. It really is an amazing resource to have on hand. I’ve talked before about How to Use Lego in a Science Program but I thought today I’d expand on the other ways I use Lego in the classroom.
Lego Soccer
This isn’t just a Lego model, it is a fully functioning game. You can control the players, have them pass the ball around, and take shots on the goal. You can see the control sticks for the goalies that allow you to move the player up and down and all around.
Each player on the field sits in a small circular indent which allows the ball to come to a stop in front of them. By pressing down on the circular piece attached to the player, they will launch the ball across the field.
You can also change the shape and size of the field. I’ve bought a few of these kits and the special expansion kit. My students love playing with it and experimenting with field size.
Creationary is great game that gets students thinking, creating, and working together.
You roll a dice and get a category such as nature, vehicles, buildings, and things. You then choose a card and have to build whatever is on your card. Unlike regular Lego kits, there aren’t any instructions on how to build the item. You get a cartoon styled picture of the image and then have to figure out how you can use the Lego pieces from the tray to build it.
The key point to this game is that your creations need to be recognizable. You score points if the other players can identify what you’ve built.
There are three levels of difficulty so students of different ages and abilities can play together. This is another popular game in my classroom. I sometime use it during Math Centres as an extra activity to get the students being creative and problem solving on how to build these models effectively.
Any Tips You’d Like to Share?
Please let me know how you use Lego in the classroom.
Do you have any games that foster creatively?
Please leave a comment below.
More Teaching Tips
- Teaching Tip Tuesday Archive (over 100 tips, tricks, lessons, and resources)
- Use Lego to Teach Science (pulley, gears, and simple machines)
- Super Buck (an art project designing dollar bills)
2 responses to “Teaching Tip – Play and Learn With Lego”
Hi Chase .. pass about using Lego in the class room – but I can see their potential .. any of those building sets are so clever.
Someone on one of the other blogs I visit mentioned "Story World" – you've probably heard of it … you get cards and create a story with them? Created by John and Caitlin Matthews .. under Templar Books ..
and they've a range of many other items ..
Cheers Hilary
Hi Hilary,
I'd never heard of "Story World" but I have seen something similar before. Definitely a great idea.