Welcome to Teaching Tip Tuesday!
Every week I share with you a tip that I hope you will find useful in your teaching.
You can visit the Teaching Tips Archive to see all of the tips in the order I have posted them over the years. Please check that page as I will continue to update it every week with the latest Teaching Tip.
This page is all about Character Education. It will include tips and lessons that you can use to help students understand the importance of working together as a group and community. These social skills are just as imperative as the literacy and numeracy we teach every single day.
Please bookmark this page and come back often. I will update it with any new tip I publish that has to do with Character Education.
You might also want to check my Pinterest page and, specifically, my Character Education Board for more great ideas.
I hope you enjoy these Teaching Tips.
5 Tips To Motivate Reluctant Students (guest post)
Character Education
Classroom Rules (Expectations)
How to Listen
Leadership Activity
Rules to Live By
Teachable Moments
Three Choices You Always Have
Three Choices (reworked)
The Way You Speak Depends on the Situation
The What-If Activity
Work To Learn