Sometimes we don’t stop to think about how much power our words have.
It’s easy to blurt something out that you really have no right to share, something that can hurt someone else, something that is probably better left unsaid.
Speechless is a novel by Hannah Harrington that explores this issue. The main character, Chelsea, has a really hard time keeping secrets. In fact, she doesn’t see any need to keep them whatsoever.
Until. . .
She shares a secret that incites violence, almost gets somebody killed, and in the process isolates her from her peers. That one secret had far reaching implications for quite a few people.
The novel is told from the bully’s point of view, but it’s hard to see her as a bully. After all, it’s just words. She doesn’t start fights. She isn’t violent herself. She just throws words around with reckless abandon.
She wishes she could take back her words. But she can’t. So she decides that since her words have hurt so many people, she just won’t speak anymore. She takes a vow of silence.
This is a great novel for teenage girls to read. I think this is an issue that really needs to be addressed. We often see boys bullying each other because they do it physically.
When bullying is done with secrets, gossip, shunning, and other silent ways, it can go unnoticed. It can also seem to be “not as serious.”
Hopefully that changes soon. We need to hear stories like this. We need to have this discussion. That is why I am thankful for books like this one.
Speechless by Hannah Harrington is beautifully bound. It had a plain white cover with raised text on the front and back cover.
“The story is about how harmful our words can be. It’s also a story about how we can take action individually or with our friends to make our schools and communities better places for everyone. We can stop the bullying and gossip that hurts so many people. We can help ourselves and others feel better and more connected.”
Here is a way we can help spread the word about this topic.
Read the book, pass it around.
Earlier today, I asked if anyone wanted to read it and then pass it along. I received an email and will be mailing this book out free of charge to Betsy.
I’m asking her to sign her name on the inside cover and then pass it on to someone else with instructions to do the same thing. She told me that she already knows who she will be passing it on to. Hopefully, the reader after her will pass it along as well.
I hope we can get a few dozen autographs in this book. Wouldn’t that be cool?
We can also have a discussion about it here in the comments.
Please leave a comment or send me an email.
And if you want to find out more
6 responses to “Speechless (Let’s Take Action to Make Things Better)”
Hi Chase .. this is a great idea of yours to give a few free copies away to people in the States and Canada .. I'll forward the link through to a couple of friends interested in bullying ..
Cheers Hilary
Thanks Hilary,
I limited it to the continent I live in just to keep shipping costs down. I'm still watching my pennies.
I hope this book gets to go on a bit of a tour though. That would be really cool.
I would like to read this book and do a review on my professional listening services blog…WISE EARS
I could not find it on Amazon but then I had the author's name incorrect… will try again
You did a very nice review here…I just reviewed a book for this week that I truly disliked…it is so much nicer to do one's that touch you in some way
I miss hoping over from Blogging without a Blog….and my reader page is going away…it takes me quite awhile to figure out how to make connections.
Thank you to Hilary for sharing this with Davina…connections are good!
Hi Patricia,
I miss Blogging Without a Blog too. I keep hoping a new post will show up soon. I made some great connections on there.
I really appreciate that Hilary sent a few people my way too. I still have copies of the Twilight Interview ebook if anyone is interested. Just send me an email and I'll send you a download link (I have three to giveaway)
And maybe this book will make it's way to you in its little journey starting this week. Who knows?
I found a copy for Kindle for $2.49 so I think I am set. I have reviewed so many books this season, I need more time right now..
Hope your class is going well, having 2 teachers for parents I always think of how busy they were at this time of the year.
Again thank you for the good review
Hi Patricia,
I'm teaching instrumental music this year. It's quite the change but a lot of fun.
Happy Reading!