In March of 2007 I started this blog with a very specific goal. I wanted to become a published author and thought it would be a great idea to establish a presence online. So I started this blog with the goal and desire to become a published author within five years.
Well, tomorrow, this little blog celebrates its 5th birthday. It feels like a great accomplishment in and of itself and it is definitely worth celebrating.
I have fallen a little short of my goal of becoming a published author. However, I am not giving up on that dream. While it looks like it may not happen by the end of 2012, I am still dedicated to getting my name in print. It doesn’t matter how long it takes.
I am still writing and perfecting my craft. I will be participating in Script Frenzy again next month and in National Novel Writing Month in November. I plan on writing a Teaching Tip ebook later this year as well. So lots of things are in motion. I am currently working on a few revisions and hope to start sending out queries soon.
What I didn’t know when I started out this little blog was that it would become a hub for teachers. I was unaware that my Teaching Tip Tuesday posts would become a popular feature here on the blog. While the posts may not get much in the way of comments, they continue to give teachers what they are looking for and I’m glad.
I also had no idea that I would become part of a radio show and a regular contributor to a hip-hop magazine website. I am having so much fun producing radio segments, doing artist interviews, podcasting, and writing album reviews and articles.
Overall, I can say that my foray into the blogosphere has been a great experience. Thank you for tagging along with me.
Please leave a comment below and help celebrate my blogging birthday!
8 responses to “Silent Cacophony Turns 5!”
Hi Chase – many congratulations on five years – that's an amazing time .. Blogging is a great way for many of us to explore our own dreams, while appreciating and finding other areas of life that we might not have considered ..
Definitely follow your dream and never give up ….
Good for you – I'm not sure how you celebrate .. but lots of cakes at school I reckon! Enjoy what ever you do .. cheers Hilary
Thanks Hilary!
Happy Anniversary, Chase,
Five years. Can you believe it? It's been great watching you progress over the years and become more than just a blogger. Blogging has certainly enriched your life and I'm happy to be a part of it.
P.S. My five year blogging anniversary is on 3/28.
Where did the time go?
Hi Barbara,
I might have quit blogging if it weren't for you. I'm go glad I kept going because it has truly opened up my world to exciting opportunities.
I thank you so much for supporting me over the past several years. It really means a lot.
Hi Chase, I have never commented on a blog before… but this is a MUST! CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 5TH BIRTHDAY!!!
I am a new teacher and stumbled upon your blog one fine day. I can't tell you how wonderful you have been, Silent Mentor.
I will give back to other teachers the way you have…. we work really hard… sharing what we learn while on the journey…. it's our philosophy.
Well, all in all, the best gift I could probably give you is to let you know HOW MUCH you have inspired and helped me along the way. Each step you take seems to be one of confidence and therefore, your footprint has been left… keep walking!
Thank you so much for that last comment. That was the best "gift" I could have hoped to get on my blog birthday. I really appreciate that.
I know that quite a few people get value out of my Teaching Tip Tuesday series but I often don't hear about it. I wish I did more often.
Happy teaching 🙂
Happy Blog-Birthday!!! <3 Babs.
Hey Babs,
Thanks for joining in on the celebration!