Part 3 of my novel has been the hardest part for me to write. I worked on it last night for a few hours and got up to page 187.
I’m still house-sitting. I’ve been working on their laptop computer. They also have the Internet here so I have gotten distracted and gone web-surfing a few times this past week. I think I prefer not to have the internet on the computer I use for my writing. It is too much of a distraction.
Last night, I surfed around, doing some research for the skateboard competition part of the story. I didn’t find what I was looking for, but found a few things I wasn’t. The Internet is like a river that takes you from one place to the next. You never know what is around the next corner. It is like an adventure. But more often that not, it seems like it is a journey to nowhere. A River of Distraction. A waste of time, as it were.
The Internet is an amazing tool. It helps me to stay in touch with friends, family, and parents. It allows me to easily research any topic that interests me. It helps me to get materials for my teaching. It allows me to write this and you to read it.
My problem with the Internet is finding the information that I want. If we further the metaphor of the web being a waterway, I think that I need a captain who is familiar with the sea. Search engines are brainless entities that don’t always come up with the hits I would like. Refining my search terms doesn’t always help. I’m not sure what can be done about this. I guess, the only option is to learn the ways of the sea. Problem is that I am a land-lover through and through. I much prefer to stay on dry land.
2 responses to “River of Distraction”
And as with any sea, there are pirates and stowaways a-plenty, eager to board your ship and ruin your day.
Well said. I think I really like this metaphor. Thanks.