Reflecting on What I’m Thankful For

Thanksgiving is a great time of year. I love getting together with family, having a delicious meal, and enjoying some quality time. It’s also the perfect opportunity to pause and reflect on the things you are thankful for.

I am thankful for so many things in this life. Here are the things on my mind right now.

I am thankful for . . .

My Healthy Back

I’ve had problems with my back for over ten years. I tend to throw it out a couple times a year and it hurts to move. This year, I went to a new physiotherapist and learned some ways to help correct the problem when it happens and things I can do to prevent it from happening. I’m happy to say that these new techniques are working and I feel great.


I made some great connections this year in the world of hip-hop. I’ve been able to interview some artists that I respect and admire. I’ve rocked stages for some amazing concerts. And I got to participate in a cool education-related posse cut. I’m even animated in a music video. How cool is that?

Public Libraries

I love public libraries and regularly have multiple items out at a time. Right now, I have an audio book in my car, a couple graphic novels, a work of non-fiction, and about 40 board and picture books  out for my son.


My son is amazing. He is now 9 months old. Boy, does time sure fly. Right now, he is crawling and pulling himself up to stand whenever he can. He loves laughing and karaoke. It’s so cute when we have mini-karaoke parties in the living room.

My Wife

How she puts up with me, I’m not sure.  She’s great and supportive of all that I am trying to do.

My Teenagers

They are no longer kids and we don’t spend as much time together as we used to, but I love every moment I do get to spend with them. Our trips to Canada’s Wonderland, Fan Expo, and Fear Farms are always great.


I am passionate about deejaying. I have had some great experiences providing the sound for live concerts, fashion shows, weddings, and my weekly radio show.

This Beautiful World

We live in a truly beautiful world and I do my best to take advantage of that through trail running, going to the beach, walking to the park with my son, skateboarding, and finding times to just enjoy all this world has to offer.

Happy Thanksgiving 

I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!