I just love the public library.
I can’t tell you how many books I have discovered there, quite by accident, that have made it onto my all-time favourites list.
This book is just the latest addition. I’m only half way through it but it has totally pulled me into this fictional world. I stayed up so late last night reading it because I simply did not want to put it down.
The story centres around a gorilla mechanic aboard the starship Fist of Earth. A shy, young human gets assigned to work under him in the mechanic bay.
The humans and the gorillas work together on the starship but it is obvious that there is a little bit of distrust and fear between the two groups.
What really makes this book a winner is the pacing and humour. The story draws you in right away. The characters are believable and real.
Tim Eldred writes and draws this amazing graphic novel. It is told in short chapters and is published in black and white.
He has colourized the chapters and put them up for free on the Grease Monkey official website.
I haven’t recommended a book here in a while. So if you have any sci-fi fans, comic book readers, or anyone who just loves a good story on your Christmas list, this book would make a great gift. (And if you wanted to send me a gift, I would love to own a copy of this too)