I hope you can help me out here.
I am looking for a book that is out-of-print and very hard to find.
It’s an excellent resource that I want to use next year in my teaching practice.
Band Fundamentals in Easy Steps: A Method for Beginning Class or Individual Instruction by Maurice D. Taylor
I have Book One of this series and it is very well done. I find it superior to the current band method book we have at school. It is sequential, easy to follow, and highlights key skills on every page. And to think, it was published 50 years ago. (1963)
I plan on using Book One for my Grade 6 and 7 classes next year. Those books are red and I have all that I need there.
I want to use Book Two for my Grade 8 classes. The problem is that I am short a few of these green books.
I don’t have the Tuba book which will more than likely be labeled as “Basses.” I also need an “Alto Saxophone” and “Tenor Saxaphone.”
I know that this is the last week of school and things are a bit hectic right now, but if you are a teacher and a fan of my Teaching Tip Tuesday series . . .
Can you please talk to the music teacher at your school and see if he or she has these books.
Please help me out and ask any music teacher you know if they have this book series. Pass this post on to any music teacher you know. Put up a message on your school board’s website. Ask your Twitter followers. I am sure someone we know will have a copy of these. I just need help tracking them down.
There are only 30 pages in these books. If you could photocopy them and email them to me I would really appreciate it. I know that my students will love it too.
Once again, I’m looking for . . .
Band Fundamentals in Easy Steps – Book 2: Basses
Band Fundamentals in Easy Steps – Book 2: Alto Sax
Band Fundamentals in Easy Steps – Book 2: Tenor Sax
Thank you for your help!
4 responses to “Please Help Me Find This Book – Band Fundamentals in Easy Steps”
Hi Chase .. I had a look on Amazon UK .. and if you look at third lot here .. looks like the last one might be the Bass (Tuba) one you're looking for ..
hope so anyway ..
I'm not into music – but hope you find the others ..
Cheers Hilary
Hi Hilary,
Thank you for looking it up on Amazon UK but unfortunately that wasn't the right book. I appreciate it nonetheless.
Hi Chase .. thought it probably wasn't the right book – but you never know what you might find ..
Cheers Hilary
Hi Hilary,
Thanks for trying 🙂
I have a few feelers out right now. Hopefully one of them comes back positive.