No Spam, Please!

I’ve been getting a lot of spam comments on my blog lately.

Fortunately, Google does a good job of catching these bogus comments before they get published to the site.

With the screen capture above, you can see that there were 66 spam comments posted just today. And this has been happening daily for over a month now. It’s starting to get really frustrating.

I used to love checking my email to discover that someone had made a comment on my blog. Now, it’s just a chore to keep up with these fake comments. As such, I had to turn off the email notification so I wasn’t bombarded with daily emails.

I really want people to be able to make comments easily, but at this point, I have decided to remove the Anonymous commenting feature. It is just taking up too much of my time. I have to go and delete these spam comments every single day, and occasionally a few even slip through the spam detection and get published.

I don’t want to turn on comment moderation either. I find that equally annoying. If I want to comment on a blog, I want to comment. I don’t want to have to wait for my comment to be approved. I also don’t like typing in strange distorted words. So, I won’t be turning on word verification or comment moderation.

Hopefully, removing the anon feature will help cut down on this spam. At least I know that my blog is important enough to spam. That’s a good thing, right?

Please leave a “real” comment. I love hearing from people and not just spam robots or commercials.


2 responses to “No Spam, Please!”

  1. Hi Chase .. I occasionally get one or two .. it's a pain .. and I agree with all you've said – actually no! … comment moderation isn't so bad as I wait for comments to appear … having to put in word verification drives me nutty – but generally spammers are a pain.

    If I've subscribed to comments on a post and suddenly I get notified on spam comments on that person's blog – then I unsubscribe from their posts.

    I get my own blog comments coming through to my email – so those I check as I go: if I was away I think I'd switch on comment moderation for the duration – not word verification …

    Cheers – hope you've had a good summer break … Hilary