National Go Skateboard Day!

Go Skateboard DayNational Go Skateboard Day is tomorrow!

It’s a day where skateboarders from all over the world celebrate their passion for the sport. They are special events, competitions, give-aways, and skate sessions happening all day long.

West 49 has a list of the events and competitions that are happening all throughout Canada.

I plan on attending the event at Iceland in Mississauga. Their park is beautiful and quite large. And they will be having contests throughout the afternoon based on age group. Hope they have one for old-fogies like me. They will even have some coached on hand. Maybe I can finally learn how to kickflip.

Here is one of my favourite pictures from last year.

Go Skate with a Kid

Hope to get a few new pictures tomorrow, land some good tricks, and have fun with family and friends.

Will I see you there?

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