Reading is often a personal experience that is very rarely shared. Every now and then a book may really speak to you and you want to let people know about it. So you bring it up in conversation, you post about it on social media, and then you move on to the next book.
It’s rare for anyone to keep a detailed reading log.
What have you read in your lifetime and what did you think of each title?
I bet that is a hard question for you to answer.
For me, it’s easy. At least when it comes to the last seven years. That is when I stared blogging about every book that I read. Since then, I have averaged about 60 books a year. That includes graphic novels, novels, teaching related books, young adult novels, memoirs, music-related books, and assorted non-fiction titles.
That is why I keep up this table of contents page. It’s nice to be able to look back at what I have read over the course of a year. It’s also cool to see a review of each title. Maybe, this will help you discover a new favourite author or book.
Come back often as this will get updated every time I read a new book.
If you are looking for something to read, you can also check out my lists from 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Countdown America
Doctor Who: Engines of War
Everyone in L.A. is an . . .
The Strange Library
The Sun is Also a Star
Two by Two
Adventures of Supergirl – 1 title (Vol. 1)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – 2 titles (The Coulson Protocols, Under New Management)
Batman – 1 title (The Wedding)
Captain Marvel – 1 title (Alis Volat Propriis)
Doctor Who – 11 titles (The Eleventh Doctor Archives: Volume 2, After Life, The Wolves of Winter, Road to the Thirteenth Doctor, The Many Lives of Doctor Who, A New Beginning, Hidden Human History, Weapons of Past Destruction, Doctormania, Official Secrets, Sin Eaters)
Hawkeye – 1 title (Avenging Archer)
Ms. Marvel – 2 titles (Teenage Wasteland, Time and Again)
Star Trek – 2 titles (Vol 12, The Primate Directive)
Star Trek / Green Lantern – 2 titles (The Spectrum War, Stranger Worlds)
Star Trek: The Next Generation – 1 title (Terra Incognita)
Superman – 1 title (Action Comics 1000)
The Fiction – 1 title (The Fiction)
The Fifth Beatle: The The Brian Epstein Story – 1 title (The Fifth Beatle)
The Flash – 1 title (Lightning Strikes Twice)
The Sculptor – 1 title (The Sculptor)
The Unknown Anti-War Comics – 1 title (The Unknown Anti-War Comics)
The Walking Dead – 2 titles (Lines We Cross, New World Order)
I’m Glad I Did
This Song Will Save Your Life
The Wild Robot
The Wild Robot Escapes
Capturing Sound: How Technology Has Changed Music
Creative Quest
Let Love Have the Last Word
Showtime at the Apollo
Set the Page on Fire
Seven Steps to Confident Writing
An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth: What Going to Space Taught Me About Ingenuity, Determination, and Being Prepared for Anything
Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World
The Total Money Makeover
We Should All Be Feminists
Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not)
Total Books Read in 2019: 57