My List of 2013 Reads

I love reading. I always have a book or two on the go. And I love sharing great titles here on the blog.

That’s why I’ve decided to keep track of everything I read over the course of this year.

I had a lot of fun with my reading log last year. It’s definitely a tradition I want to keep up. Perhaps I can even have a friendly competition with myself. Can I read more than 65 books this year?

Without further ado, here is my reading list of 2013.

I will continue to update this post with each new title I read this year.

So here goes,


Dear Zoe
Doctor Who – Death Riders / Heart of Stone
If I Stay
Little Women and Me
Look Again
My Name is Memory
Star Trek: Gods of Night
Star Trek: Mere Mortals
Star Trek: Lost Souls
The Accideyntal Genius of Weasel High
The Gate Thief
The Great Gatsby


Animal Man– 1 title (The Hunt)
Batman – 2 title (Year One, Knightfall)
Captain America – 1 title (The Chosen)
Daredevil – 8 titles (Lady Bullseye, Return of the King, The Devil’s Hand, Shadowland Vol 1 and 2, Season One, Volume One, Reborn, End of Days)
Doctor Who / Star Trek – 2 Titles (Assimilation2 Volume 1 and 2)
Fables – 1 title (Inherit the Wind)
Fairest – 1 title (Wide Awake)
Flash – 1 title (Death of the Rogues)
Jack of Fables – 4 titles (Bad PrinceAmericana, Fulminate Blade, The End)
Jinn Warriors – 1 title (The Devil’s War)
Sandman – 1 title (Preludes and Nocturnes)
Spiderman – 1 title (Fantastic Spiderman)
Star Trek – 2 titles (Countdown, Volume 1)
Star Wars – 2 titles (Agent of the Empire, Darth Vader and The Ghost Prison)
The Unwritten – 1 title (Leviathan)
The Talisman – 1 title (The Road of Trials)
The Walking Dead – 4 titles (The Heart’s Desire, The Best Defense, This Sorrowful Life, The Calm Before)
Will and Whit – 1 title (Will and Whit)
Transformers – 2 titles (International Incident, Revenge of Decepticons)


Choir: Tears, Triumphs and Transformations
How Did I Get Here: The Ascent of an Unlikely CEO


Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives
Nurture Shock


Bully in the Mirror
Classroom Management: A Thinking & Caring Approach
Musical Futures: An Approach to Teaching and Learning
Polarity Bear Tours the Zoo
School Struggles
What Every Middle School Teacher Should Know

Running Total of Books Read This Year:  61

10 responses to “My List of 2013 Reads”

  1. I read and enjoyed If I Stay last year and the sequel this year (which I did not like as much). I've recommended Jack of Fables to my husband who is desperately trying to get me to enjoy his love of graphic novels – Batman, Justice League, Green Lantern, etc. I've read a few, but prefer novels. I'm trying to read the promotional ones I've received as a T-L that turn classic literature such as Jane Austin into graphic novels. They are alright.

  2. Hi Amber,

    I love graphic novels and they go far beyond superhero books (although I love them too)

    I felt like "If I Stay" tricked me a little bit. I was expecting a much different story. It was okay though.

    I hope your husband likes the Fables series. Jack of Fables is a spin-off of it and both are amazing.

    Thanks for the comment!

  3. Hi Katy,

    I am going to keep up this tradition. It’s really nice to have a reading record. I also like your idea of reading things outside of your comfort zone. I tried to do that this year as well.

    Thanks for the comment!