My Infamous Beatbox Routine (A Blast from the Past)

I tried to get a rap career started in the late 1990s. This was before the days of YouTube. But I have old video cassettes of some of those performances and I just uploaded a few.

This is one of the best beatbox routines that we ever did. Yep, that is me on the beatbox and my brother Rime-On rapping the song.

I hope you enjoy this blast from the past. This footage was recorded at our CD Release Party on August 14, 1998 at the Corktown in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.


If you like what you heard, you can download those old albums for free from our Bandcamp page.

2 responses to “My Infamous Beatbox Routine (A Blast from the Past)”

  1. Hi Braveheart,

    It's nice to hear from you again. It's been a long time.

    And yeah, that is me in the hat. This was from several years back, before I became a teacher.

    I loved doing these shows with my rap group. It was so much fun!

    If you click through to YouTube, you can see several other videos. I will post some more here in the near future.

    Thanks for the comment! I hope all is well with you on the other coast.
