This I Know: Marketing Lessons from Under the Influence by Terry O’Reilly
Terry O’Reilly is the man behind the amazing radio show, Under the Influence. Every week, he explores the world of marketing and provides the listener with “a rare backstage pass into the hallways, boardrooms and recording studios of the ad industry” The show is chopped full of “fascinating stories that connect the dots between pop culture, marketing and human nature.”
Reading this book. I could hear his voice coming through the pages. It’s like an extension of the podcast and a great read for anyone who owns a business, works in marketing, or has something to sell.
Here are some notes I made while reading.
Never Let There Be Silence
“Silence immediately following a presentation . . . can smother an idea. Keep talking, keep the energy up in the room. Use this time to persuade your client the idea is right, gently eliminating every obstacle they are forming in their head as they analyze the idea. Don’t stop talking until the client finally says something, then roll with the ensuing conversation.”
Practice the Epilogue
“Spend time anticipating every possible objection and formulate smart, thoughtful replies. That doesn’t mean to be overly defensive, it means take the time to analyze your recommendation from all angles.”
Buying Habits Say A Lot
“By closely tracking people’s buying habits, retail analysts can predict what is occurring in their homes”
The First Magazine at the Checkout.
People approached a grocery store chain to try a one-week experiment; “place People magazine at the checkouts, and see what happens. In those years, magazines weren’t part of the typical grocery store offering, let alone placed at the cash register.”
People could have gotten lost “in the sea of magazines that clutter corner stores” if it weren’t for this unique idea.
Smart Marketing
“Smart Marketing is like a book. It has many chapters. It has a consistent through-line (skewer) and a compelling plot idea (elevator pitch). Every chapter has a specific task (tactic), the writing is infused with emotion (feel), and every chapter gets you closer to the climax (goal).”
One Sentence
“You should be able to sum up the driving principle of your company in one compelling sentence.”
What Business Are You In?
O’Reilly suggests that you might not be in the business you think you are in. He believes that you need to step back from the product or service you provide and think like a customer. Also, by listening closely to your customers you can learn a lot about why they do business with you. It might not be what you expect.
My List of 2018 Reads – the 2019 list is coming soon. I’m almost caught up on my blogging.