Look Again by Lisa Scottoline
The premise of this novel was so scary that I wasn’t sure I even wanted to read it.
It starts when a single mother receives a missing child flyer in the mail. The picture on the flyer looks exactly like her adopted son, Will. The reporter in her needs to start digging and uncover the truth. The mother in her wants what’s best for her son. But she just wants to keep her family together.
I was captivated by this book every step of the way. It’s a great read, well-paced, and full of suspense.
I borrowed the audio book version of this novel from the public library. I was pleasantly surprised to hear an interview with the author at the end of the story. I like when this kind of stuff is included in audio books. It’s nice to be able to hear the author’s real voice, to get an insight into the writing process, and to enhance the overall experience of a great read.
Dear Zoe by Philip Beard
Far removed from the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, a smaller tragedy occurred. A family lost a three year old daughter in a senseless accident. They have a really hard time coping with their loss, especially when it seems that everyone else is focusing on a different loss.
To help her cope, fifteen year old Tess writes a letter to her deceased sister. The entire story is told through this one-sided correspondence.
It’s a touching narrative and we learn a lot about Tess and her sisters through this letter. She learns a lot through the process as well. It just goes to show the power of writing.
There are a few scenes in here that are so vivid and real. A couple of them even brought a tear to me eye. I don’t want to spoil the story for you here so I won’t get into the details. Suffice it to say, this was a great read.
More Great Reads
Once again, I am keeping track of everything I read over the course of the year.
My 2013 Reading List