This is the second assignment I gave my students for TGJ3M – Communications Technology. In it, the students create a personal media company and design a logo for their brand.
This will be used in the website they will be designing in the next unit. My goal is to have as close to a paperless class as possible. Every student will have a website for their fictional media company. This will serve as a digital portfolio of all the work they complete this term. This way, I can simply check their blog every step of the way and nothing has to be physically handed in.
I showed them how to use various design programs. Inkscape is a free program that is similar to Illustrator and has several useful tutorial videos on how to use it such as this one.
Last lesson, the students collected examples of the five types of logos. For this assignment, they will create a logo of each type for their brand. The first step is coming up with a name for a company. Keep in mind that we will be doing photography, animation, audio and video recording and editing, and website design. Possible names could be _______ Media or ________ Productions or something completely novel.
Logo Design Assignment – MS Word or PDF
I will be sharing the unit plan and complete lesson plans for this entire semester in future editions of Teaching Tip Tuesdays. So stay tuned!