I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer at KidSpark on the weekend. This is an amazing event that is put on every year by the Kitchener Public Library and an assortment of community sponsors. The event is totally free and takes over the huge and beautiful Victoria Park every August.
I have taken kids to this event before and we have spent the entire day there from 11:00 – 5:00 p.m. and we still didn’t have enough time to do everything that is available for the children. There are crafts, rides, children’s entertainers, games, and anything else that would appeal to a kid on hand for the event. We usually go both Saturday and Sunday to experience all of the wonderful things this event has to offer.
One of the highlights of the day is going to the Tim Horton’s booth and buying a cookie to decorate. This is about the only thing that actually costs anything to do. Tim Horton’s donates all the profits to breakfast programs in the region so I don’t feel bad at all supporting such a great cause.
There are tons of crafts for the children to make and take home. My job this weekend was to help out with the crafts. On Saturday, I helped man the booth that made “grassheads.” These little creatures were made from nylon stockings. First we put some potting soil into a cut-off stocking and then added some grass seed to the top of it. We then tied up the top and the children got to add googly eyes to it. They were like homemade Chia Pets. They turned out really good. It also turned out to be a very popular craft as we were overrun with people coming to do it. We had a line up all day long and developed a assembly line type production to speed things up a little. It was great!
On Sunday, I helped to make kaleidoscopes. We made those out of microscope slides. All in all, I think I must have made or helped to make, thousands of crafts this weekend. I would have loved to have counted but I was just so busy helping the children and their parents that I never would have had the chance. I was just glad to help out this year for such a great event.
2 responses to “KidSpark”
Few things in life are more fun or emotionally rewarding than spending time with creative, well-behaved children.
It’s almost back to school time, Chase! Hope you’re ready.
I don’t think I can ever be truly 100% ready. Every class is a brand new experience and things that have worked great in the past need to be reinvented every year, it seems.
I still have a bit of work to do to be ready but I am close. I am really looking forward to another great year. Wish me luck.