I was a special guest last week on CBC Radio’s Ottawa Morning. It was absolutely incredible to be in that studio and to be part of the Hip Hop Theatre Fest in our nation’s capital.
My group, Hip Hop Headucatorz was invited to be the focus of a panel about using Hip Hop in Education. Prior to that big event, we were asked to come on CBC Radio to talk about it.
I was able to get the the studio since I got into town early. MikeAll had to join the conversation by phone.
If you missed it, you can catch it on YouTube with the video below.
or you can listen to the interview here – https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-100-ottawa-morning/clip/16039620-hip-hop-headucatorz-nac-saturday
That was a lot of fun. And so was the panel. We will be sharing that soon as well. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, please like this video and check out our music with the links below.
Listen to Hip Hop Headucatorz. . .
- Apple Music – / hip-hop-headucatorz
- Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/artist/6dayb…
- Tidal – https://tidal.com/browse/artist/16899700
Download music and teaching resources
- Bandcamp – https://hiphopheaducatorz.bandcamp.com/