Happy New Year, Bring on 2020!

I’ve never really been a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. If I want to change something about myself, I don’t wait. But for some reason, I started to list a set of goals every year on my blog and then never looked back at them. In fact, when I started this journey, I had to goal of being a published author within five years.

If you’ve been following me since then, you will know that my life took me in some different directions, places I never imagined. Needless to say, I still have not fulfilled that goal. But the desire has never left me. I have several books written and plans for a few more kicking around in my head. I am going to work at getting something in print soon.

The problem is that goals are not enough. You need a map or a path to follow. I found this image on Instagram that shows us all how we can do that this year.

Writing the steps down on a calendar would be great. Focusing on one step at a time and giving myself a deadline to do it will definitely motivate me to achieve my goals.

I am going to try that this year. First off, I need to write them down. I have writing goals, DJ goals, parenting goals, exercise goals, business goals, and personal learning goals.

I don’t think I am going to share them here like I have done in the past. I broke that tradition last year with my New Year’s post.

I’m excited about starting this new year and new decade. 2019 was a great year, but 2020 will be a more productive one. I’m counting on it.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose!

Bring on 2020!