I am blogging everything I read over the course of this year. It’s a pretty impressive list and it is continuing to grow.
Here are the latest graphic novels that I have read this year.
Marvel 1985 by Mark Millar and Tommy Lee Edwards
This graphic novel was originally published as a six-issue series in 2008. It is set in the year 1985 and takes place in our own world, a world where super-heros and super-villains exist only in the pages of comic books. The story revolves around a young boy who discovers that the villains of the Marvel universe have somehow made their way into his world and are camped out in a old house. The story is very well done in both the art and the writing.
Foiled by Jane Yolen and Mike Cavallaro
This book surprised me halfway through, but I won’t spoil it for you. The book revolves around a young girl who is essentially trying to find her place in the world. She is a fencer and has to deal with people who constantly don’t understand her sport. The art and story work well together. It did seem to end a bit abruptly though. It feels like it should be longer or at least part of a continuing series.
Star Trek: The Ashes of Eden by William Shatner with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
This graphic novel takes place after the sixth film, The Undiscovered Country. Jim Kirk is near the end of his career but retirement doesn’t seem to suit him. He is a little disappointed when he isn’t appointed Commander in Chief of Starfleet and so he decides to go on one last adventure. This story was originally told in a novel but it is nice to have it as a comic as well.
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps by Peter J. Tomasi and Chris Samnee
This graphic novel tells some of the side stories from the Blackest Night Saga. My favourite tells the tragic story of one of the first Blue Lanterns and shows just how powerful hope can be. In the final story of this collection, the fourth wall is broken as Superboy from Earth-Prime goes to the offices of DC comics. This collection is more of a bonus for the biggest fans and not really connected to the larger events in the saga.
More Comics from my 2012 Reads List