I love the public library. There is no way I would be able to read as wide a variety of material without this free and invaluable service.
Here are the latest comic books I have enjoyed free of charge thanks to the library.
The Unwritten: Volume 4 – Leviathan by Mike Carey, Peter Gross, Vince Locke, and Al Davison
This series is absolutely amazing. The only problem with getting books from the library is that I never really know what I am going to pick up on any given visit. As such, it has been years since I read the previous volume.
I still remembered enough of what happened in the first three volumes to enjoy the story and get right back into the world created here. It revolves around a Harry Potter type story where the author named the main wizard character after his son. This someone gave the real-life person some magical abilities. These books explore the power of storytelling to shape the world for better or for evil.
I really want to own these books and read them all in a row. They are that good.
The Flash: The Dastardly Death of the Rogues by Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul, and Scott Kolins
This is the first story arc from the rebooted series of The Flash. My brother bought me the first issue as a birthday present two years ago. I really enjoyed the retelling. But since it was a single issue, I was never able to experience the entire story until now.
If I had enough money, I would collect this series as well. I have the first ten issues of the last reboot but that was quite some time ago. For now, I am just going to have to settle for getting the chance to enjoy the stories from the library.
I like that they have returned to Barry Allen as The Flash. He has always been my favourite. I also like that they don’t waste time retelling his origin. The story brings up up to speed (get it?) with where he is in life. He is a cop and it working on a murder investigation when he himself falls under suspicion for a crime he hasn’t committed yet (and one that seems impossible for him to ever have done.)
It’s a great story with nice pacing and beautiful art. I’ve always enjoyed this character.
Well, those are the latest books I have read this year.
You can see My Entire Reading Log for 2013
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